The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85194   Message #1576836
Posted By: Donuel
05-Oct-05 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: secular humanism
Subject: RE: BS: secular humanism
I did not now I was a secular humanist until I was 15 and the hospital required I put a religion on my wrist band. I wrote secular humanist. It surprised both my parents.

IF intelligent design fails or not, the religious right is now pushing thier educational Bill of Rights. It will require that all professors will be required to offer an opposing point of view.
SOunds Socratic on the surface doesn;t it?

This has become state legislation as the result of 3 anecdotal incidents in which Christian right wing conservative students said they were frightend, scared and intimidated by liberal professors.
They felt segregated and discriminated against. These kids were scared to talk...or so they profess.

Secularism is now being attacked as if is a belief devoid of knowing right from wrong. The FM dial is filling up with Christian Rock which my 5 year old never fails to point out "I don't like that!". Fiath based everything is not good enough. What is good enough are US military academy's that practice religious, race and sex discrimination to the point of murder and rape.

Yes I am like a recording but whatever the humanist will say the religious right will turn it around and use it as thier own accusation against the left.

If a secular humanist says "we are being attacked by the religious right and are scared for our jobs, ourselves and our children", the right will claim that the godless liberals are crazy whiners and have made this a terrible world that only God can set right again.

The right has now been able to turn back domestic violence laws so that a person in the military will not have to face charges or have a criminal abuse record IF THEY ONLY GO to a Christ in Action "say you're sorry" meeting.

Bill Bennet tells us crime can be reduced via black genocide.
Bush said at his press coference yesterday he is dissappointe with blacks. Afterall he did with no child left behind and appointing people of color to his cabinate the balck voters did not turn out in the numbers he had hoped.

The religious movement is serious.
The RWcons are as serious as a judge (who incidently has never been a judge before but do the right favor for your boss and you too can have a top notch job) and are willing to prosecute people for: non faith, wrong sex, wrong politics, and eventually the wrong faith.

Yep serious as a judge.

got any suggestions?