The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85194   Message #1577274
Posted By: Amos
06-Oct-05 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: secular humanism
Subject: RE: BS: secular humanism
I have always felt that the kind of morals that rested on codes of agreement arbitrarily imposed -- such as when to eat what, how long a skirt should be, which words must be banned, and other finicky Grundyisms -- were anathema to the inherent ethical sense of the the individual spirit. I believe that justice is not a code but an innate power of perception, as are aesthetics and (when undampened) the sense of ethics and right action.

But these powers are easily buried by dumping blame, invalidation, and the sewage of reactionary opinion all over them until their use is untrusted by the owner.

Unfortunately, children are easily dumped on in this way, carpeted with random and untried opinionation; and they have to suck it up, since their existence is dependent on very large bodies with (sometimes) very small brains telling them what to do. Kind of like growing up being raised by a meat-eating dinosaur. It may keep you alive long enough to grow large, but do you really want to base your code of ethics on their instruction?