The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36851   Message #1578219
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
07-Oct-05 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: Requesting some help - German Toasts
Subject: RE: Requesting some help - German Toasts
I'm not sure this fits with the kind of toast envisioned here, but I like this one:

Wer viel trinkt, schlafft gut
Wer gut schlafft, sundigt nicht
Wer nicht sundigt, kommt in den Himmmel!
Also, trink!

I hope my spelling is correct.

For those who are curious, this translates as:

He who drinks a lot, sleeps well.
He who sleeps well, doesn't sin.
He who doesn't sin, goes to Heaven.
Therefore, drink!

Dave Oesterreich