The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85144   Message #1578335
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
07-Oct-05 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: reasons Liberals fail
Subject: RE: BS: reasons Liberals fail
I think a major reason that liberals fail is that they SAY they are fighting for the little man but the little man never seems to get the "breaks" that they are promised from democrats that are in office.

Case in point

Where are all the democrats calling for a cut in gasoline taxes? These regressive taxes hurt the poor more than the rich. But yet the demoocrats are out there railing against a bill that would ok the construction of more refineries to provide more gas to the American citizens.

More gas = larger supplies. Larger supplies = lower prices.

If they are going to scream and shout to help the little guy but yet say nothing about the regressive taxes that are hurting the small guys then that shows where their priorities are afterall. If they are not willing to allow more refineries so that our gasoline supplies will go up to meet the demand therefore causing lower prices then what's the solution?

Alternate forms of energy you say?

That's fine. I'm all for alternate forms of energy. But nobody will buy them unless they are the same price or cheaper than what we have now. It seems as if the democrats and their bedfellows, the treehuggers, think that keeping the costs unnecessarily inflated by not wanting additional refining capacity will somehow spur the imaginations to have someone successfully develop a cheaper form of energy. You, my friends, are sadly mistaken. It's only spurring ideas of how to make it grow and become cheaper.

As a matter of fact, the higher the fuel prices get, the harder people work to think up new ways to lessen them. Then who do the heroes turn out to be? The people that stand in the way of cheaper fuel prices (democrats, treehuggers) or the people who strive to allow companies more access in order to keep the cost affordable to the general public?

As we all know, there are a lot more poor and middle class families than there are rich.

One day, we will get to the point to where alternate forms of energy will be available for cheaper than what's out there now. I'm looking forward to that very day. But to force it on people is not the way to go. That just causes deep, deep resentment towards those who made the cost of living so high to begin with.

If the democrats want to "help" those that they say need help then let them cut the gasoline tax and repeal the laws that say we have to have over 40 "blended" fuel recipes. Let them not stand in the way of allowing construction of additional refineries. Let them not stand in the way of additional drilling for oil. Therefore it will truly help the poor and middle class.

Then provide tax incentives to companies who can R&D alternate forms of energy. That way, the democrats and treehuggers get their way and the poor and middle class can have the financial breaks that they have long been promised.

This one fails and everybody profits.

But that's just my opinion and I'm probably right.....
