The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85194   Message #1578518
Posted By: Mrrzy
07-Oct-05 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: secular humanism
Subject: RE: BS: secular humanism
Ummm "Secular humanists" are not synonymous with atheists. It doesn't mean they have no beliefs. " - Excuse me? Atheists don't have no beliefs, if you'll forgive the double negative... they believe quite strongly, I would say to the point of knowing, that the natural world is all there is and there is no need to posit any supernatural forces. In other words, it's not that they don't believe in god(s), they believe there aren't any.
I know of secular humanist groups who WANT to it to be defined as a religion so that they can get the tax exemptions...

Anybody going to the Atheists In Foxholes brouhaha in DC on Armistice Day?