The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84992   Message #1579233
Posted By: dianavan
09-Oct-05 - 05:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
Subject: RE: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
If we start teaching religion in schools, we have to teach all religious beliefs about the beginning of human life. Lets leave that to the churches, O.K.? As a teacher, I hardly have time to teach each and every creation myth. Thats the job of religious teachers, not public school teachers.

Myth is myth and science is science but if you insist, I will begin by teaching the following:

The first people emerged from a gigantic clam shell on the beach at Rose Spit. They got out with the help of Raven, who is the most powerful creature in Haida myth.

If I teach intelligent design, I must refer to it as a Christian myth. I have no objection to teaching mythology as long as it is designated as such. There is a big difference between science and mythology.