The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84992   Message #1580138
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
10-Oct-05 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
Subject: RE: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
I have to shamefacedly apologize, for giving some wrong information, which I believed to be true at the time.

Earlier I stated as a fact that Darwin never claimed that man was evolved from apes, but rather that man and apes were evolved from a common ancestor.

It has come to my attention that in the epigraph to The Descent of Man he says (paraphrasing here) that after the separation of the primates into the new world and old world branches of apes (or monkeys, if you like), some of the old world ones evolved into mankind.

He may have said the same sort of thing elsewhere, but that's what's come to my attention.

Dave Oesterreich