The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84992   Message #1580575
Posted By: Bill D
10-Oct-05 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
Subject: RE: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
There is even reverse 'evolution' going on in places as some try to do 'selective breeding' to restore an ancient wild horse in Asia. Selective breeding is hardly more than speeding up natural selection by putting the genetic combinations you want together faster than Nature might.

And remember...of any given species, not all members evolve. "Some" changes happen in one line, and given the right circumstances, may eventually (a VERY long time, in many cases) become a different species. That's sorta why we still have apes and monkeys..etc...Humans seem to be just a chance offshoot of a few chance events in a few individuals a LONG time ago. Anthropologists are still debating which of the relatively few bones we find represent dead ends, and which might be our direct ancestors. There were not many individuals way back then, and very few died where they could be found by us....It's kinda amazing we have found any evidence, and it's a sure bet that details of the theories will change as a few more specimens fill in gaps.