The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85363   Message #1581028
Posted By: Donuel
11-Oct-05 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gotta new puppy, named it Gromette
Subject: BS: Gotta new puppy, named it Gromette
Crackin toast, she is a little cutie (all black with white; shoes, beard and star on her chest).
I Dunno if she's going to be medium or huge.
Her mom was a Border Collie and her dad was a mixed Rotweiller, German Shepard etc. Her litter sister looked much beefier and fluffier with clear Rotwieller and Sheperd markings.

I'm doing the house training thing in the linoleum room.
I think I will build a robo-poo-scooper-P-sponge.

Dean has wanted a dog for 3 years now. He said a very strange thing yesterday. He said when he was still inside mommy he had a puppy and has wanted a dog ever since.
He went on to say "Now we need another dog so we can have butt sniffing contests".

Dean is finally back in school. The original records were found Monday and a non cellular NON Thimerisol (mercury) DPT was given.

I believe I will now have a spot of cheese.