The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74705   Message #1581082
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Oct-05 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: MudCamp Dorm Open & Suggestion Box
Subject: RE: MudCamp Dorm Open & Suggestion Box
Just got Leadfingers on the road after a pre-pre-G'way stop. What a lovely time. LilyFestre worked like crazy yesterday helping me roast and pack up about 25 pounds of various meats for the freezer, to draw from as need arises for entrees and sandwiches. (Well, we did consume the ham already!) She was still here when Leadfingers arrived, and later her husband came by for a late supper and to pick her up. In between there was mighty craic.

Dear Leadfingers was a wonderfully self-sufficient guest, and he brought up something I might as well address here. He wanted us to accept a budgetary contribution; I refused-- for us this is a lot like parish events, where the host parish would supply the entree and other specified items, and others bring the missing items. (I got a VERY good price at the grocers and bought only what was well-priced-- I enjoyed the day spent cooking with LilyFestre.) So of course I said "No, thank you very much," because it really is our privilege to have folks come here when we can't go "there," and what actually motivates us more than anything else is timely RSVP's. So if anyone is thinking along those lines, "Nuh-uh!" A contribution to Mudcat, however, is always appreciated.
