The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84952   Message #1582662
Posted By: GUEST,Merseybeat
13-Oct-05 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: I.R.A. Decommissioning
Subject: RE: BS: I.R.A. Decommissioning
Two strangers are told by the Provo's to go somewhere in the Irish Republic to view illegal weapons on Provo terms, with Provo appointed "independent" witnesses, namely the two clergy (like that's supposed to make a difference?) Who then tell us, "Yes, we think that's all their weapons because they told us so" • McGuinness was quoted as saying just before this wonderful government and media sponsored IRA "miracle" that they (republicans) are not interested in quelling Unionist fears and questions or instilling trust (funny that, and Unionists are supposed to be the people they are making peace with, along with the government) They are only interested in international opinion. Interpretated as; taking the pressure of the Shinners, creating the illusion of peacemakers, a gesture for more concessions (worked a treat – immediate disbanding of the RIR home battalions, release of the Shankill mass murderer – Sean Kelly despite the evidence of his involvement in terrorist activities, dismantling of border posts despite "dissident" threat, closure of police stations, and the biggy – Troops Out Hain threatening water charges if the Unionists don't get it sorted, as if they aren't going bring them in anyway!) and a ploy or tactic to turn the attention onto the "intransigent" Unionists. • Quite possibly, if any weapons were in fact "decommissioned" (we only have the say so of the three amigos, the two clergy and the Provo's who everyday Joe do not know or will ever likely get to know) These weapons were likely to be old ones. Now the crunch, there are 1,800 unsolved murders in Northern Ireland, most of which were carried out by the IRA, bang goes the evidence and any possibility of justice being served and the real victims and their families getting closure. • So why no photo's for which all the governments agreed were needed to move the process forward? People say, sure photos prove nothing, right? Wrong, symbolism in Ireland, north and south is important, very important, it cannot be underestimated. A photo of these "weapons" being "decommissioned" (even IF it wasn't all of them) would be the clearest indication possible for any sceptic including the public at large that it was truly over, it like the words, "our war is over" would not only mean the end of the "Provisional militant movement" but also the beginning of real peace. That's why they won't do it, that's why Unionism will NEVER trust these fuckers. • They haven't given any indication or "promise" that they are disbanding or that they are likely too nor have they shown any remorse, regret or sorrow for the lives and property they have destroyed. "They haven't gone away you know" • They demand that we should be thankful that they are not murdering people and destroying property (on that scale) any more and that the whole thing was Unionism's fault anyhow and that we owe them for stopping. • Gerry very recently said, "They need to reach out to Unionism" that they, "need Unionist consent not assent" They then do the opposite, the appeasement process is a con, a shambles and its hurting Unionism particularly the working classes and those that live in interfaces. So what has this "process" brought us I hear you say? • The consent principle? What good is consent when there is virtually nothing left to consent too? Should we not have had this God given democratic right anyhow? • Articles 2 and 3 dumped? Firstly, aside from the fact that they should not have been there in the first place, they have just been re-written, Dublin still lays claim to our country. • Nationalist/Republican acceptance of Northern Ireland and its place within the United Kingdom? This one's a biggy and is worth looking at in more depth. Nationalism in general have realised that they are not going to force Unionism into a united (sic) Ireland, force failed, the armed struggle failed. The "out breeding theory" proved to be fictitious as confirmed by the last census. So what is their new game I hear you say? Their trick is to make Northern Ireland greener on the ground even though its pink on the political map, which they realise, is unlikely to change for the foreseeable future. What do I mean by this? Well, anything overtly British is systematically being diluted and erased behind the mask of equality and parity of esteem. Bang goes the flying of the Union Flag, the National anthem, emasculate and sterilise the police force and all it's trappings, that which had great success against Irish terrorism, disband the Royal Irish (HS), take away all physical signs of the border, demand the withdrawal of all mainland based troops, demand bi-lingual signage and public sector services, change names (de-Anglicisation) of towns/cities/streets (Londonderry's a classic), demanding the failed Euro (for the wrong reasons – e.g. the illusion we have all the same currency), demands for all-island economic harmonisation (what a can of worms), emasculation of the judiciary, to name but a few. They hide behind the "minority rights" within the state they refuse to recognise when it suits their agenda. And then shout from the roof tops about how a minority Unionist rump is dictating against the majority and its "national self-determination" in the imaginary state they aspire too. In short it is an INSIDIOUS LITTLE PLOT BY IRISH NATIONALIST IRRENTISTS. • On the Northern Ireland football team recently Killyleagh wanted to honour it's sporting hero "King" David Healy by naming a sports field after him. Apparently the Sinn Fein lap dogs, the Stoopies, are kicking up stink because it wouldn't be "neutral" taken to mean, he's a player of a team for a country they will only superficially recognise (this is after a successful and ongoing Football For All Campaign and the game that is universal and cross community). For God's sake they cant even bring themselves to call the country by the correct name (the North? Where's that? The North Pole? Besides geographically speaking that is incorrect as Donegal which is in the "north" is not in the country that they are set out to destroy! Mind you we call Northern Ireland Ulster which although is not totally incorrect since NI is in the province of Ulster it isn't all 9 counties these muppets go on about, its also ironic that the county system they ramble on about so much was introduced to Ireland by an English monarch, Elizabeth I oh the irony) Imagine if, for one minute the Stoopies or the Provo's in suits wanted to name a sports field after say a garlic star (don't start about that all inclusive "sporting" body, the GAA – that's another subject for another day) in a predominately Unionist town but the Unionists (aside from the fact that it's the GAA) refused on "neutrality" grounds, there would be massed protests, visits from American "observers", gangs of rampaging press, all claiming Unionist bigotry and an infringement of Nationalist rights, parity of esteem and equality, etc, etc, the double standards and hypocrisy is astounding. • We also now have a foreign country having its say in UK internal affairs through an expanding, unaccountable executive (starting of course from the Anglo-Irish Agreement and culminating in the 1998 terrorist charter) • We have mass murderers running free, unrepentant and feeling justified for what they have done. • An emasculated police service (who can act against militant Loyalism but not against militant Nationalism) which is powerless and also employs "legal" discrimination tactics in it's recruitment process to the detriment of all us "non-Catholics" (whether you think your one or not) • As mentioned, the disbandment of the proud Royal Irish Regiment Home Service. • The demands for MORE police reforms (i.e. terrorists allowed to join and a minister for policing so they can control it) BEFORE they'll even support and recognise law and order, in this country they only superficially recognise. • On the runs about to be pardoned without justice being served, Enniskillen murderer being one of them (that includes the 3 eco tourists of Columbia and all the other international ops) • They waste money on the promotion and white elephant of the Irish language (I have no problem with it per say, just that its been used and flogged to death by the Provo's as if it's an extension to their "struggle") • Demands for speaking rights for Northern Ireland Westminster MP's in the Irish Dail, further promoting and encouraging interference and increasing the confusion over the constitutional reality of the country. • An unaccountable Parades Commission (a.k.a. PC = Prod Control) that beats Orangeism when Loyalists riot and object AND when Nationalists object and riot, a see who can threaten the most game usually Protestant and Unionist culture and image suffering the greatest. • Attempted destruction of Orange culture. Split and harm the organisation (I know they fell for the bait) they knew Orangeism was the last institution that united Protestants of all classes, creeds and political opinion – historically the cement within Protestantism/Unionism/Loyalism. Break this and they know they are onto a winner and its no accident Portadown was chosen to start it all being the birthplace of Orangeism. A side effect and a bonus for them is bringing "Ulster's loyal citizens" into conflict with the very government and Crown they are loyal too! Jackpot. They may have given up their overt terror campaign (since 9/11) but their covert, low intensity one continues unabated. They grind the Unionist/Loyalist community down until they become defeatist, apathetic (we see the low election turn out within the Unionist community during elections and issues relating to poverty and social deprivation particularly in Protestant working class areas, for which I accept our inept political "leaders" have been too pre-occupied to deal with) They split and intimidate Unionism who also have no support, sympathy or allies in the GB government, certainly not the Irish one nor in international circles. They spilt the Orange Order whilst degrading our community and its legitimate culture and traditions labelling us sectarian, bigoted and stuck in a time warp (this is not helped by our so-called self-styled defenders) They have ethnically cleansed (no other words for it) both past and present, vulnerable working class Protestant areas like Londonderry City side (last post – the Fountain estate) New Barnsley, White City, Tigers Bay, Suffolk, Upper Ardoyne (Glenbyrn and Ardoyne itself) Cluan Place (still standing, just) Lower Oldpark, the border areas and rural areas all around Northern Ireland, the latest victims being the destruction of the Torrens area in North Belfast, all this while the police stand back and watch. They then dress it up as demographic change or "vandals and thugs" tokenism and whataboutery. Also of course is the ongoing campaign of destruction against Orange Halls all around the Province, there was at least two attacks this week and many go unreported or excused. When the tables are turned its labelled "catholic pogroms" ethnic cleansing, bigotry and sectarianism with the help of the pro-Nationalist press in Northern Ireland (vandalism when Prods, Orange Halls and Churches are attacked but sectarianism when "Catholics" Nationalists, GAA halls and Catholic Churches are attacked) Alongside public attacks against Unionism and the big bad "Unionist" terrorists who launch sectarian offensives against the "Catholic" community and of how Unionist political leaders stand idly by not uttering a word (even if they have condemned it, which they always do) and of how the Unionist community stand idly by!! HYPOCRISY. Criminality is a huge issue, it perverts what little democracy we have left in our country. I am CERTAINLY not excusing the scum that give Loyalism a bad name, but the Provo's by FAR have the biggest empire and pose the greatest threat, they own a multi-million pound private empire. We talk about the Provo's getting money off the nethandrals of the Irish-American variety but we forget about their "legit" businesses, the smuggling, the piracy, robberies, etc. Slab and Co. has a lot of fingers in a lot of pie's and it's going to take a lot more than one scoop by the Assets Recovery Agency as noted on last nights news to sort that little problem out. We also say that the banks are watched all over the world…..but are they? What about the banks that they own? If recent media reports are correct (investigating the Northern Bank Heist, also heard about this previous to that report) they were trying to open up a bank in Bulgaria just after it joined the EU. They were also trying to do business deals trying to shift the money. Because Bulgaria is quite a poor country that had joined the EU they have not fully harmonised all their laws and have not got any anti money laundering laws passed yet which is why it was an ideal country for the Provo's to set up a "legit" bank. Even if this turns out to be untrue (stranger things have happened) these cretins have friends and allies under every rock and in every hole on this planet, there are ways and means. Instead of working for a (dis) united Oirland how about promoting and working for a more plural, diverse Northern Ireland with its own regional Northern Irish/Ulster identity within the United Kingdom (whether it's a constitutional monarchy or a republic) with accountable, friendly co-operation with our southern Republic of Ireland neighbours? Now there's a wild suggestion, eh?