The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61080   Message #1582795
Posted By: Jim Dixon
13-Oct-05 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: 'do not be offended, please' (Song)
Here's my transcription of the song at Honking Duck.

I omitted some unrelated (and non-musical) comical dialogue that takes up the first half of the recording.

See the related thread Lyr Req: McCarthy and McClusky.

Note there are a couple of phrases that probably need correction.

As sung by Gid Tanner and Fate Norris, 1927.

Now do not get offended 'cause I'm gwineter sing,
For if I hadn't 'a' come out here, this curtain down would ring,
For the man who ought to've sung this song inside was taken sick.
As I was standing idle there, they grabbed me very quick.

They wanted me to take his place and do the best I could.
They said, "Go on and sing a song." I told 'em that I would.
They're standing there to watch me now, my action just to see.
They said, "You can't get more than killed." How pleasant that would be!

Ol' P. T. Barnum's great big show is in an awful stew.
They've lost their curiosity and don't know what to do.
It happened just a week ago. Now how they wept and cried
When quick word through (?) the crowd had spread their big baboon had died.

They wanted me to take his place and do the best I could.
They locked me in a great big cage with monkeys bad and good.
They called me Coolie Number Two and kids offended me.
They fed me candied ... peanuts (?). How pleasant that would be!