The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16774   Message #158375
Posted By: Mbo
05-Jan-00 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: What Have You Learned From Mudcat in '99
Subject: RE: What Have You Learned From Mudcat in '99
Well, I can't begin to list all the important and interesting things I've learned here, and the interesting people I've met! As of yesterday, I have decided to become music incarnate. After that little (!)thread about how there should be more music like the old days and less BS--I say let the BS continue, but add more music, and more music, and MORE AND MORE MUSIC. I'm leading a revolution, who will join me? I'm knocking out Midis left and right--the Midi Page is going to be full to capacity by the time I get done!

One interesting thing noticed was Art Theime wishing the 'Cat was more scholarly, and I though "Yeah right! What can a 21-year-old who's only been into traditional music for 2 years teach someone who has many years of musical experience?" My answer yesterday: "LOTS!!!" There are songs and tunes I play that cannot be found on the net, and no one else seems to know. I want to share them with everyone starting now! The 'Cat has not heard the last of Mbo. And that's what I learned. Oops, gotta go post some song lyrics...

--Mbo (this message is ment in earnest, and is by no means ment to be taken humorously or sarcastically):{>