The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16735   Message #158418
Posted By: Mbo
05-Jan-00 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: ATTN: Hank Williams Fans
Paul, I'm really telling the truth, want me to sing it? As for modern country music--y'know I don't give a dingo's kidney about images and lights and concerts--I like music! The way someone chooses the arrange or sing or perform their music isn't going to sway me. Around here it's like--"modern 'popular' music isn't like the traditional stuff--so let's hate it." I don't really care. If it's good music, I'm going to like it. I enjoy the British band Radiohead, who are extremely avante-garde alternative rock. But they create beautiful music, and just because they aren't Bill Haley and the Comets is no reason not to like them. I also like bands like Shooglenifty, Burach, AfroCelt Sound System, Ashley MacIssac, and Paul Mounsey. They are progressive music, and lots of people hate them too. But like I said, I'm a music lover and therefor love music across a wide spectrum. Some people who like certain kinds of music are expected to hate others, classic duels like rock vs country, country vs classical, rock vs classical, folk vs rock, etc. but I like them ALL! Understanding is all I ask for. Sometimes I think it's easier for young people to enjoy music of the present, and to look back and enjoy music of the past. It seems harder for people who liked their modern music, and dislike anything that came after. I think if I add the old to the new, and the new to the old, I can create music for my future. I don't want to stay in one time period and play nothing but that music, never evolving, and disliking those who do evolve. I'm sure all the people who first originated those old traditional songs and tunes would probably hate you for ruining THEIR music too. So as Alan Stivell says "UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER!"

--Mbo (don't dis good music anymore, or my heart might blow up and kill this man!)