The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1584342
Posted By: Jimmy C
16-Oct-05 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Where in the world did this load of garbage come from ?. I have never heard anybody, especially protestant deny that catholics were discriminated against. I was discriminated against on numerous occasions and I will give you the details of a few of them.

1 - 7 kids went for a job, 6 catholic and 1 protestant. All 6 catholics possesed a senior education certificate., the protestant kid had quit scholl at 14 years of age (I know him), yet the position for a telephone linesman was given to him, the fact that he is colour blind should have eliminated him on it's own. He was the least qualified of all 7.

2 - I sold life insurance for one year (that was enough). I was given a district that was equally mixed, catholic on one side of the road and protestant on the other side of the road. After 2 weeks on the job when my name and address had been printed on the back of the insurance books, a number of protestant families cancelled their policies, not because they could no longer afford the premiums but because they "DID NOT DEAL WITH CATHOLICS", this was told to me to my face, and that my friend was in 1965/. One family told me to stay outside on the pavement as they did not want any catholic ever setting foot in their house. Not all cancelled, but enough did to make it not worth my while to continue as I was on commission.

3 - A relative of mine wanted to buy an old unused and abandoned church, with a view of turning it into an antique store. The owner was protestant, he had no trouble selling it to a catholic until he was visited by the local orange order and the local minister, who told him that if he sold to a papist he would no longer be welcome in the community / - and that was in 1986.

Please, please do not deny that catholics were discriminated against, because thay were. Did you ever wonder why so many catholics became highly educated and now are lawyers, doctors etc. The fact was that they had to stay at school because they would not get jobs in any of the main employment places such as shipyards, aircraft factories etc. The reverse is that the normal protestant was told that he did not really need an education because as part of the orange order he would be taken care off. What happened is the bottom fell out of the ship building and aircraft building businesses, leaving multitudes of protestants out of a job and abandoned by the same orange order that promised them so much. The reason why many catholics perservered at school is a direct result of discrimination, otherwise many would have left school to join the work force is they had any chance of getting gainful employment.

I am not comparing it to the jewish problem with nazism, but do not tell me that discrimination did not exist. It did and it still does.