The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58423   Message #1584540
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
17-Oct-05 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: Peculiar Irony
Subject: RE: Peculiar Irony
Hear tstopping irony/hypocrisy:

Newt Gingrich moments ago on Fox News... he was saying ..."there is good evidence that Ambassador Wilson outed his own wife, and the investigation of Rove and Libby has become THE WASHINGTON GAME OF 'DID THEY BREAK THE LAW DURING THE TIME THAT AN INVESTIGATION FOUND THAT THEY DID NOT BREAK THE LAW'..."

Emphasis mine of course.

Does he remember the Clinton impeachment? Does he remember how that played out? Does he remember that he instigated and goaded it? Do you Fox News viewers remember any of this? Can you see through this? Or, do you just not care as long as it's your team in power?