The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16774   Message #158469
Posted By: Rick Fielding
05-Jan-00 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: What Have You Learned From Mudcat in '99
Subject: RE: What Have You Learned From Mudcat in '99
Hi Cap'n Bob. Scouts honour, Mose and Leon ARE two people. (But both LOVE the idea that folks think they may be one and the same.)

To answer your humorous question seriously (and no, I don't do THAT often) Yeah, for the last 14 years (since I discovered Quentin Crisp) I've tried to be pathologically honest. One of the things I HAVE learned on Mudcat is that the semi-anonymity encourages all of us to be extremely honest about what we think. Can cause a bit of havoc at times though, don't ya think? My personal Waterloo came when our resident nutbar said "I was discouraging people from learning music"! My hair stood straight up, and for an hour I was outraged...then all of a sudden, the outrage turned to laughter, and I thought, "Whew, as long as he doesn't move next door, I've got nothin' to worry about".

That's the way I treat the conflicts here. Had I gotten into a pissing contest with him (ya know..tit for tat, "your mother wears army boots", kind of thing, I'd have ended up dwelling on something that had NO relevance in my life away from the computer. My time's worth a heck of a lot more than that. On a more positive note however:

I got to hear wonderful music and non-music stories from Art Thieme, Mountain Tyme, Banjer, Peter T., Frank Hamilton, Katlaughing, Chet, Joe Offer, Mick Lane, and my favourite agnostic moral authority Sandy Paton. Many more of course, but it would take SO much time to credit them!

Oh, and I LOVED WYO's description of going to a band rehearsal!
