The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83044   Message #1585258
Posted By: The Shambles
18-Oct-05 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: Minister say's jamming OK in UK
Subject: RE: Minister say's jamming OK in UK
London company bosses reject new licensing rules
The Publican
Published 17th October 2005
Fewer than one in ten company directors in the capital expect the incoming licensing regime to benefit their businesses.

To a survey conducted by the London Chamber of Commerce concerning the likely impact of the government's new licensing laws, half the 165 respondents said they expected no benefit, while 42 per cent said the legislation would actively harm their operations' prospects.

Three quarters of executives said they felt the relaxed regime would lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour, while nearly two thirds believe attacks on business properties will rise in number.
Eighty five per cent said they felt the changes would pile pressure on police resources.

Businesses throughout London and the south east "did not buy into the argument that the new regime will lead to a more relaxed drinking culture," the LCC said.

LCC president Michael Cassidy said the new laws were a "leap in the dark" and were bound to have unintended consequences.
"The government must think it can correct any excesses by police action or later modifications to the rules. Business opinion, judging by our survey, is very sceptical," he added.