The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16774   Message #158576
Posted By: Jon Freeman
05-Jan-00 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: What Have You Learned From Mudcat in '99
Subject: RE: What Have You Learned From Mudcat in '99
It's been more of a matter of "meeting" people and getting to know them than anything else for me and I have certainly met some great people here.

I am not sure what I have learned in terms of music as there is little that I can be specific about but I have picked up useful bits of information almost on a daily basis. Perhaps in my short time here, the theread I most enjoyed reading (one I didn't contribute to - perhaps that should tell me something) was the Indian vs Brazilian roswood thread. Incedentally, a similar question cropped up in afterwards and I was pleased to be able to point the poster to the discussion that took place here.

Danlbear, I guess your comments were refering to my reaction in one of the Mudcat Healing Circle threads. Firstly, don't let me or any one else stop you having or expressing your own opinions and secondly, I did react a little harshly and apologise for that. Having said that, within the context of the Mudcat Healing Circle threads and the related debates, I do stand by what I said even though on reflection, I sould not have direced my comments towards one person.
