The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85446   Message #1585854
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Oct-05 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Circumcision: pros and cons
Subject: RE: BS: Circumcision: pros and cons
It is an easily observable fact that most people will defend what they are already accustomed to with the tenacity of a mother bear defending her cubs. Why? Because it is part of their conscious identity. Egos fight for their maintenance and survival just like animals do.

This is why you can find people vociferously defending any damn thing whatsoever, as long as it's already customary to them. Depend on it. Evidence be damned, because they will find evidence that appears to support their established view.

I say, give circumcision to them that wants it...when they reach an age to make the decision themselves. We have aneasthetics, don't we? It's done to infants without any aneasthetics. That must be quite an experience! Would anyone consent to it, I wonder, if given the choice? But hey, babies scream a lot anyway, right? So who cares? You can't really interpret what they're screaming about, cos they don't have the words. Easy to ignore, really...