The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1585902
Posted By: Ebbie
18-Oct-05 - 11:28 PM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Wow. Now, I'm REALLY REALLY glad I went! Since I really don't contribute much to the singing and want to make certain that I'm not just a lump on the sofa I am profoundly moved by your acceptance of my presence. Dang. That is ponderous to the extreme, isn't it! Anyway, thank you.

What KT said about falling in love with 200 people all together is something we once kind of discussed. Our eventual consensus was that as human beings we are supposed (And I don't know by whom or what Bill D. *G*) to be in awe of the essence of everybody we meet, and I think that's not a bad simile for falling in love. That said, I am enamored with you all!

Sunday night I got a tad weepy saying goodbye to those who left early - you know who you are! - but I finally came up with a thought that helps me. It is that alll this time on the Mudcat we have been speaking to each other through a curtain- we can't see each other but we hear each other, we know each other's voices and we learn to treasure each other. Then the Getaway happens- and, Glory Be! the curtain is pulled back, letting us mingle and interact to our heart's content. Then the curtain is pulled shut again- but we are still there.

Later I want to speak of more people but I can't let this go by without mentioning a couple right now: Skarpi. What an absolute love; Bobert. Someone I shall always treasure; Carly. We've almost got a tradition going since we again got to spend a Car(ly) Workshop (Sorry to steal your line, KT!) with her on the way from the Getaway.

Thanks- many, many of them - to the FSGW and the powers that work so hard to provide the opportunity for the music and the people who make it.