The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84898   Message #1586316
Posted By: Teribus
19-Oct-05 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
Hey up, Foolestroupe - 18 Oct 05 - 08:24 PM

Glad you mentioned that bit about the Molotov cocktails being thrown at the Warrior APC outside that police station where our gallant lads were being supposed to have been held, but weren't, because the police/militiamen-posing-as-policemen had turned them over to their militia buddies.

Now, the Iraqi's are claiming that seven Iraqi's were killed during this operation, and you may have provided an explanation. You see not a single shot was fired by the British Troops present. Now harking back to the beautifully filmed scenes of the rather sparse crowd who were throwing stones (Palestinian Intafada Traditionalist Protesters Section of rent-a-crowd)), steel rods (Casual Opportunist section of same organisation) and Molotov Cocktails (Professional section) at that vehicle. One thing struck me - they weren't throwing all that accurately (well I suppose every team has to have a bad day) some missiles were falling short, others simply sailing straight over the target. Unfortunately the reporters said that the 'Tank' was surrounded so unless the typical rent-a-hysterical-mob crowd had eyes in the backs of their heads, or were keeping a very good look-out, there is a chance that some of those stones, steel bars and Molotov cocktails landed on some of their own side - 'friendly fire' sort of thing. We know it happens so it may not be outwith the bounds of possibility.