The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85534   Message #1586348
Posted By: SINSULL
19-Oct-05 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Lost and Found
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Lost and Found
I tried to talk Jacqui out of that "I Love You" heart. In fact, given that all that crap ended up in my basement so Kendall couldn't see exactly what Jacqui was up to, I tried to talk her out of most of it and failed. Now I get a reputation for having no taste.
Anyone who has been to my home knows of my impeccable good atste - not a typo. Even the pink/purple/red color scheme was Jacqui's idea...although I did have something to do with the upside down red hat with high heeled shoes for feet.

And the Horrible Heart Frog, complete with "Achy Breaky Heart" theme song, insipidly cute dance, and tacky glow in the dark heart shaped guitar is JACQUI's! My dancing, singing, glowing, spinning doodads have real character. Just ask Spaw.

Now the real question here is why is Amos baiting the fair SINSULL? Did he feel neglected? Was he disappointed not to receive a fuzzy toy or a Dance of the Golden Globes? Poor man. He has just moved himself to the top of the Toy Boy Abuse List for next year's Getaway. Poignant Personality, indeed! The Evil Twins are now forced to show their true colors.