The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85608 Message #1587016
Posted By: Wesley S
20-Oct-05 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: T-Shirt/Censorship/Religious hatred
Subject: RE: BS: T-Shirt/Censorship/Religious hatred
Recently here in Texas a woman was wearing a T-shirt that was a takeoff on the movie "Meet the Fockers" - but it had a picture of the president and vice president and it said "Meet the Fuckers".
She was told she could not board an airplane { Southwest Airlines I believe } until she covered up the shirt or changed it. She felt her free speech was infringed upon. I disagree.
While I agree with her assessment of the president and vice president I don't think a t-shirt with that language should be worn if there is the very real chance that kids would be exposed to it. That same t-shirt worn at a Democratic Party fund raiser or an anti-war rally might be just fine. But I don't think the general public needs to have it forced upon them.
Aside from I think that an airline - like any other business - has the right to tell people using their services what clothing is suitable. Your opinion may vary.