The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16635   Message #158733
Posted By: Willie-O
05-Jan-00 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: Confession: I killed Laura Foster
Subject: RE: Confession: I killed Laura Foster
There I wuz, mindin my own business, had a nice steady racket of lovin em and leavin em, when this ship pulls up alongside me anchorage, and it's full of sailor babes dressed in mens clothing, and all these breasts falling out in the moonlight, and I knew every damn one of them and they was all lookin fer me...I was outta there so quick, I didn't bother to weigh anchor, just let the chain go, fired up the diesel and headed fer open water or the nearest iceberg, who cares really... If Greenpeace hadn't borrowed me Zodiac I[d a been round the point in it before you could say "allegations of patrimony"