The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1587436
Posted By: Teribus
20-Oct-05 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
GUEST 20 Oct 05 - 02:39 AM

Questions asked:
"But will the likes of Divis be allowed to move on ?"
Divis Sweeney does not want to move on. Divis Sweeney takes every opportunity he can to provoke and gloat - I merely respond and when confronted with fact said Divis Sweeney gets upset.

"Seems here they have to answer for all their past sins" - Damn right they do. Because of their actions, directly, thousands of lives were scarred and irreparable damage was done. They haven't yet come anywhere close to accepting responsibility for that.

"I note Loyalists retain their arms." - That situation appears to be changing.

"The facts regarding British collusion with Loyalists is never addressed here by the pro British element I notice." - Good heavens Guest why be so coy, in the past on this forum not only have I referred to collusion between British Security Forces and Loyalists but also British Forces collusion between Official IRA, PIRA and INLA. It's a very messy business when you have so many players and you are trying to keep as many civilians alive as possible - Personnally I could give a damn about colluding with whoever as long as the end result is one set of bigotted thugs wipes out their direct counterparts - what that amounted to was less of the bigotted thugs of whatever persuasion being available on the streets to kill innocent civilians. By the way if you doubt that take a look at the Sutton Statistics provided by Wolfgang - numbers of women killed.

"So sad to see the very strong anti Irish feelings being expressed." - Well actually Guest if you read through this thread you see very little anti-Irish sentiment being expressed. What you would see is a condemnation of the self appointed thugs and criminals who have terrorised the people of Northern Ireland for years and who by and large continue to do so, regardless of the wishes and will of the greater majority of the people of the island of Ireland.