The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16804   Message #158744
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
05-Jan-00 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: How hooked are you?
Subject: How hooked are you?
In Banjo Bonnie's thread on beyond basic chords & picking technique Rick Fielding says "You gotta get hooked" in reference to learning an instrument.

So how hooked are you on your instrument(s)? I shall begin as you do in all 12 Step societies by telling my own story.

Hi, my name is Roger and I'm hooked on guitar.

If I was allowed (and my finger tips could stand it), I think I would play guitar all the time. To give you all an idea how "sick" I am: I keep a travel guitar in my bathroom and during "sit down moments" I play it. I used to read, but not any more.

I have my Mudcat Kay guitar right by my computer, so I can strum as I wait for down loads or read long articles on the net.

I often "watch" TV and play guitar at the same time.

Things I haven't done, yet (as they say in 12 step groups) are play my guitar while driving and keep a guitar at work (I need my job).

Thanks for listening.

Roger in Baltimore