The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1587777
Posted By: Teribus
21-Oct-05 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
A question I asked earlier:

"Wolfgang came up with an interesting figure in relation to the Protestant population of the RoI falling by 70% from 10% at time of Partition (1921) to 3% today. It would be interesting to know the corresponding drop in NI."

Couldn't get back to 1921 for figures, but I did get this:

Demographic Results from 1961 Census of Northern Ireland
Recorded Population - 1,425,462
Catholic - 34.9%
Protestant - 53.2%
Others - 11.9%

Demographic Results from 2001 Census of Northern Ireland
Recorded Population - 1,685,267
Catholic - 40.3%
Protestant - 36.0%
Others - 23.7%

Now hang on a minute, this is the place where according to the good Fr Alex Reid, the Catholics have been treated like animals, in fact no better than the Nazi's treated the Jews. Amazing!! I know that the Nazi's were in power for only 12 years and the period above covers 40, but did the Jewish population of Germany increase under Nazi rule? I know temporarily the Jewish population of Poland did, but that was very temporary and referred to as the holocaust. Meanwhile, down in the RoI where everything is supposed to be all sweetness and light the Protestant population has fallen dramatically - so all the chatter about ethnic cleansing on these figures applies to which part of Ireland again? I have not yet heard of any credible programme of ethnic cleansing where the population of those being ethnically cleansed A) Stayed put, and, B) Actually increased.

Another interesting set of figures from the Northern Ireland Life and Time Survey of 2003:

Religion/Political Affiliation
Protestant/Unionist - 68%
Protestant/Nationalist - 1%
Protestant/None - 29%

Catholic/Unionist - 0%
Catholic/Nationalist - 60%
Catholic/None - 36%

Unionist - 38%
Nationalist - 24%
Neither - 35%

Northern Ireland Life and Time Survey of 2004 found the following:
Desire to remain within the UK - 59%
Desire to unite with RoI - 22%
Form and independent State - 11%
Other - 8%

Another interesting set of data relating to population figures for Northern Ireland:
1891 - 1,236,056 - baseline
1961 - 1,425,462 - population increase 189,406 or 15.32% (70 years)
1981 - 1,738,000 - population increase 312,538 or 21.93% (20 years)
1992 - 1,610,300 - population decrease 127,700 or 7.35% (11 years)
2001 - 1,685,267 - population increase 74,967 or 4.66% (9 years)

Now lets see when were Divis and all the other self-appointed guardians/liberators/defenders active 1969 to 1994. Looks like people stuck it out for the first part then departed in droves once the said self-appointed guardians/liberators/defenders had suceeded in making a complete and utter hell-hole of the place. Now that they have stopped the population is on it's way back up. The period Fr. Alex Reid was talking about was in the era 1961 to 1981 - Correct?