The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16804   Message #158795
Posted By: Rick Fielding
05-Jan-00 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: How hooked are you?
Subject: RE: How hooked are you?
I have been a hopeless addict since the age of 15. Because of this:

I gave up all hope of earning a good living.

The first time I got a personal letter from Pete Seeger complimenting on something, I cried! Honestly.

I have NEVER ventured outside the house without my flatpicks and fingerpicks. If I have forgotten them, I don't worry because I have a spare set in a small pouch on my car Keys ring.

When I am angry...I play. It makes me lose the anger almost instantly. (something that I wish would work for others)

When I am sad...I play, and immediately feel SO lucky to have made SO many friends through music over the years.

When I'm a little too happy, I practice the fiddle. It brings me back just enough.

I am an addict...and it saved my life! I'd be a constantly neurotic, second guessing, attention seeking dork, without my banjo, guitars and mandolin.
