The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1587962
Posted By: GUEST,Tom
21-Oct-05 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
In 1935 the Nazis demonstrated their repudiation of civilisation by the Burning of the Books. Though this involved no loss of life, more than any other act it defined what Hitler was about, it was a chilling message to those who cared to listen. In 1993 the UVF fire-bombed the Linen Hall Library. More than any other act of terror this defined what the UVF are all about. The burning of books is the ultimate denial of any pretence to civilised values. Like Goering, when they hear the word "culture," Loyalisim reaches for its revolver. How much evidence do we need? they don't even pretend to be other than Nazis. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Hitler was intent of the ethnic cleansing of the Jews? How many ethnic Nationalists have been cleansed by Loyalists from the north eastern areas of Ulster, and how many ethnic nationalists can watch Loyalist representatives on television and look into their eyes without a shiver of fear as to their Ultimate Solution? Goebbels was the father of propaganda and invented the notion of the Big Lie. How he would have admired UVF audacities as it denies involvement in criminality in general and specifically the drug dealing. I believe that the DUP currently win about one third of the votes cast in Northern Ireland elections. With a similar vote, Hitler had a mandate to murder six million Jews and who knows how many other innocents. None of us on this island is without sin and we should be loath to cast stones. But anyone who seriously believes the UVF is not involved in criminality, as does Dr Pasiley is either wilfully stupid, criminally naive, or it seems most likely, party to the Big Lie. Whatever the reason, he can have no pretence to credibility as a leader. For most of my adult life, I have voted Unionist. In despair I watch as DUP gain support. I despair of a community, that gives them succour. When I contemplate the level of support for Loyalists I am disinclined ever to vote again. If it talks like a Nazi, lies like a Nazi, pillages and burns like a Nazi, and kills like a Nazi ? it's a Nazi. The cap fits and the DUP wears the cap. Tom Gilbert, Straid, Co Antrim.