The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1588043
Posted By: Bobert
21-Oct-05 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Ahhhh, fir starters, "Bite Me!", O-Guy...

And fir a close second, fir an old guy you certainly got yerself a nice stash of mind-alterin' substances...

Ain't no one callin' nobody names who are out on the front lines, pal, but maybe you'd like to back up that bull with some real posts of folks sayin' they are blamin' the folks who are fightin' Bush's oil/powr/politics war!!! I don't think you will find one post where Amos, I or anyone else here in Mudville has ever said anything nasty about the troops... Find my just one, Big Guy... Just one...

And what does Amos's past have to do with George Bush's evil, immoral and corrupt administration??? Did Amos make up the lies that Bush used to sell this now very unpopular to the American people??? Did Amos rat out a CIA agent because her husband debunked one of the lies??? Did Amos award no-bid contracts to Brown & Root, a subsiderary of Halliburton, a corporation that Dick Cehney ran and still collects annual money from??? Did Amos hire the goons and lawyers in 2000 to go to Florida and steel an election??? Did Amos push thru a tax cut fir the upper 1% that we were told would be reinvested in the American economy only to be reinbvested in overseas companies??? Yeah, did Amos really do that??? Did Amos stand up before the Christain Right and tell these folks that he was all fir them while doing all the things that would make Jesus puke out his guts???

Yeah, Old Guy, the drugs must be fine in yer stash box...

You really oughtta share...
