The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16804   Message #158807
Posted By: MK
05-Jan-00 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: How hooked are you?
Subject: RE: How hooked are you?
For me, it's akin to breathing. I keep 4 guitars in my house, (one always in whatever room I happen to be in, as well as an assortment of keyboards and synths and recording gear. Generally I practise 3-5 hours each day-- an hour as soon as I get up; another hour instead of taking lunch; an hour after work; and then when all in the household have to bed another hour or two. When my finger tips get worn from guitar, I switch over to keys.....and then later back to the guitar. The more I do it, the more I want to do it. It's like a hunger that gets hungrier the more I feed it.

If I didn't have to earn a living, I'd play 8-10 hours a day. I don't consider any of it practising or work. It is truly the passion and life's blood that flows within me. It's as important to me as my eyesight, my hearing or any other ''sense''. I've always considered myself a musician first and foremost beyond anything else I do in my life.

If I could not play and make music (something that I've been doing since a child) I wouldn't want to be here on this earth. It's really that simple for me.

I'd say I qualify as ''an addict.'' 8^)