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Thread #85440   Message #1588210
Posted By: Teribus
22-Oct-05 - 01:03 AM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Hey Divis Sweeney - has this got anything to do with you or your colleagues, maybe this was one of the squadies you popped from the roof of the Flats:

An Account: PROVO "Disappeared" victim Jean McConville

The 31-year torment of the family came to a head a month ago when widow and mother-of-ten Jean's remains were found at Shelling Hill Beach, Carlingford, Co Louth. The family gathered at the Co Louth site and when Helen Jean McConville's daughter) discovered a bullet in the back of the head had killed Jean she suffered acute distress She had difficulty breathing and fell severe chest pains. Jean's remains were taken to England for forensic tests and to compare DNA samples taken from Helen to prove the identity of the skeleton.

Helen was later told by a policeman of her mum's tortured final hours. IRA torturers had chopped off Jean's fingers to make her admit she was an informer. Then Jean, kneeling before a cowardly thug, was killed with a bullet in the back of the head.

Helen's husband Sean, a founder of the Families Of The Disappeared pressure group, said: "We have been told the digits on one hand were missing. We will have to wait until the inquest to tell for sure how mutilated her body was".

Provos shamed for the senseless and cowardly murder have owned up to murdering nine of The Disappeared. Four of those have been found, but it is believed there are at least six others the IRA dealt with.
The nine were kidnapped, tortured and maimed, and buried in shallow graves in out-of-the-way places.

The Disappeared from the Seventies and Eighties came back to haunt Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams during the height of the peace process in the mid-Nineties. He met Helen and Sean McKendry and denied all knowledge of The Disappeared. Only after US president Bill Clinton intervened did the IRA admit its Belfast Brigade was responsible for Jean McConville's disappearance. The Provos had always lied that she was an informer who had run off with a British soldier and was in England.

Helen's real 'crime', her family believe, was to tend a dying soldier hit by an IRA sniper's bullet outside her home in the Divis Flats complex in the Lower Fails. A neighbour said she put a pillow under his head (the soldier's) and whispered a prayer in his ear. That act of Christian charity was as good as a death sentence.

On December 6, 1972, a gang of thugs sent a false message into a social club where she was playing bingo that Helen had been knocked down by a car. Jean, who was barely 5ft, was lured outside, pounced on by IRA hoodlums and interrogated, abused and battered. Police later found her wandering barefoot on a bitterly cold night.

The following night she suffered another dose of mob rule. A gang of 12 masked Provos - eight men and four women - burst into her home and dragged her from the bathroom. She was bundled screaming into a car as some of her children watched. It was the last picture of their mum they have in their minds. The terrified mother, still in pain from the previous night's savagery, was tortured and finally forced to kneel. She was murdered with a single shot.

In January, 1973, a man delivered Jean's purse to her home with three of her four rings. Police said it was the Provo message that she would not be seen again. Members of the McConville family know the identities of several of the gang of 12 that dragged their mother away. They pulled off their balaclavas as the children watched the terrible scene. Helen said: "I know at least three of those in the gang who abducted my mother. One lived nearby. "I came face to face with one of the women in Belfast city centre one day but she never told me what she knew '

A funeral mass is booked for October 16 at St Mary's Church in Chapel Lane Belfast, where Jean was a regular worshipper with her brood.
St Mary's Church is also the place where the first memorial service was held following the creation of Families Of The Disappeared in 1996. A go-between told the family the IRA felt it wouldn't be in their interest to hold a large funeral. Jean's children accused the terror chiefs of being embarrassed by the murder and plan a huge funeral to which the world's media will be invited. Seamus McKendry, author of a book on The Disappeared, said: "We want the world to know what the IRA did."

Oh yes you guys will go down in the history books as heroes - fact is you're a couple of rungs below child molesters in the criminal heirarchy.