The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85655   Message #1588756
Posted By: Andrez
22-Oct-05 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Mudcat Log On
Subject: RE: Tech: Mudcat Log On
Hi John and Bill,

Thanks for the info provided above. I'm still wondering if there is any info as to specifically what platform/hardware the system is running on and the system config. I suppose it may not be a good thing to identify too specifically for all the usual security reasons but it would still be good to get some sense of the dimensions of the issue: coldfusion, time to spare to maintain the system and money (or the lack of) being part of the problem domain as detailed so far.

The isues raised by other visitors have raised my professional curiousity and interest hence my enquiry about the technical aspects of the 'cats "woes".

FYI I along with four colleagues maintain and support a mixed government Health network that covers a large part of one state in sunny Australia which along with family life doesnt leave much time to play my banjos, guitar or concertina. That interest is why I visit the 'cat in the first place.

I also know that what starts out as a labour of love can start to run your life and turn into a nightmare if it takes over. In the "folk" stream, the data contained in the 'cat' represents a major contribution to the worlds oral and social history and needs to be looked after maintained, cared for and loved. I have no doubt that that is the case but given the value of the site and its contents surely it ought to be possible to access support in terms of equipment, expertise and funding to put things right and ensure the 'cats future viability?

I'd imagine that readers somewhere would have the skills and expertise to put in those submissions if the notion was welcomed by Max and whoever else is in the inner Mudcat circle.

Another option would be simply to set up something to allow anyone who has benefitted in some way from Mudcat (you decide what that means to you) to make a one off voluntary donation (but monthly if you like and can afford to do so) of say $10.00 into a Pay Pal or similar account so that after a while the kitty could help to grow a bigger sleeker 'cat.

Running on from that a similar thing could be looked at from a technical point of view. Assuming they have the initial key data to start with, perhaps technically inclined members could have a thread that explores just the technical issues around coldfusion databases and hardware etc, as it applies to the 'cat. That way users may have the opportunity to make a more direct contribution of skills and ideas to the basic problems.

Thats probably a sidetrack to my original query about the system (which I'd still like more detail on) but its worth a thought if it hasnt already been considered before.

Anyway thats enough for now, I'll go back and try and puzzle out my current Cisco router issues.


