The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85446   Message #1589002
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Oct-05 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Circumcision: pros and cons
Subject: RE: BS: Circumcision: pros and cons
I'm not saying Mother Teresa had NO opinions, I'm just saying she had fewer opinions on fewer things than most people do. ;-) Most people have an opinion on every f**king thing under the sun. Just ask 'em...

(and then be sorry you did...)

Since it is more comfortable and less smelly to shave the hairy areas of the body, I am now recommending that we ALL shave our heads nice and clean too! Yes indeed. Just like Jean-Luc Picard. No more dandruff or greasy, smelly hair. No more money spent uselessly on shampoo. You first, Daylia! I am going to see if I can talk Chongo Chimp into shaving himself all over. Think how much cleaner and nicer he will be then.

What about Adam? (assuming the existence of such a being in the first place) Did Adam have a foreskin? Hmmmm. If not, where did it go? If so, did Eve find it objectionable? Did Eve shave those smelly, itchy legs and armpits???? Do I really care? Bigger "hmmmm". Ummm, well, no I guess not! LOL!

Daylia, the fact is...almost everything we do is arbitrary...socially conditioned...and we make up a million reasons and excuses afterward for why it's such a good idea. Men's habit of shaving the face is definitely among such arbitrary customs. I do it simply because I am culturally accustomed TO doing it, and for no other reason whatsoever. It costs me money, it's not necessary, it's 100% arbitrary, and I KNOW it. I like it because I'm used to the idea. For the same reason, I wear trousers rather than a skirt or a kilt or a Roman toga or a zippered jumpsuit. For the same reason, I am willing to bare the upper half of my torso in public (in the right setting), but not the lower. For the same reason, I usually eat with cutlery...when it's clearly not necessary to do so. In India, people usually eat with their hands (well, one hand to be exact), and it is considered perfectly normal to do so.

Almost none of this stuff actually MATTERS. People defend customs because it is customary to do so, and because those customs are a part of their own conscious (or unconscious) identity. To know this is to laugh at the pretentiousness and self-importance of the human mind in the face of the Great Mystery of Life, which it does not comprehend at all.

We are playing games here. Kid's games. The pity of it is that everybody takes those games (and themselves) so damned seriously.