The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85542   Message #1589517
Posted By: GUEST,Anti not very good Nazi folksinger League
24-Oct-05 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
then hannam should'nt start these threads and put them on
google news alert to try to impress his Bastard Numbskull Paedo mates..

.. then run off with his tail
beween his hairy cloven footed legs
if he can't handle the humiliating 'back-firing' repercusions
of intelligent,rightious,dismisal and rebuke..

from good decent normal people of mudcat
and mainstream healthily moderate society..

or for that matter the downright silly but funny insults and sarcastic teasing
from his better quality creative artist citizens who laugh in the faces
of arrogant self-seluded fantasist fascists..

and whether you be a hannamite mole in folkies clothing..

or a genuine but 'not very good at it' anti nazi..

ask yourself who's interests are you really serving
by banging on repeatedly about

your obsession with, what you asctually seem to admire of,
'mastery of mudcat manipulation and skilss at outsmarting at every turn'..!!!???


this is a big fat hello and welcome to BNP google news alert subscribers