The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85608   Message #1590801
Posted By: John Hardly
25-Oct-05 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: T-Shirt/Censorship/Religious hatred
Subject: RE: BS: T-Shirt/Censorship/Religious hatred
"What I remember is Martin Gibson, local conservative, dishing it out in the other direction."

I'm not sure, speaking as a conservative (though I'm no Poobah of conservatism), that I can remember a time that I ever agreed with Martin Gibson.

I do own a Martin and a Gibson. A Yamaha, 2 Harmonys, and a Flatiron as well.

I own dishes too. In fact, I make dishes. I rarely "dish out" though.

I will say that, though I was raised around a Christian fundamentalism that believed in the ultimate persecution of the Church, I tended to kind or poo-poo the idea (which is different that Pooh-bahing the idea). I never ran into the kind of religious hatred that would make me believe in the capacity for people to persecute the Church.

Then I ran across the mudcat.