The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85761   Message #1590882
Posted By: Muttley
26-Oct-05 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: 2 Songs: Weird Al Yankovic
Subject: Chord Req: 2 Songs: Weird Al Yankovik
Though I realise these are NOT, strictly speaking, FOLK tunes - I just love playing parodies as well as the trad stuff.

So I am looking for the chords to 2 Weird Al Yankovik songs:

"Barney's On Fire"


"The Night Santa Went Crazy"

The second is a hoot and the first, well, it would be a blessing for innocent children everywhere if that big purple clown DID catch fire - preferably in a time machine and BRFORE he became "popular".

Thanks All
