The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85763   Message #1590889
Posted By: GUEST
26-Oct-05 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: happy? - Oct 26 (Knights of Malta)
Subject: happy? - Oct 26 (Knights of Malta)
The Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (aka Hospitallers, aka Knights of Malta, etc.) was recognized on 2/15/1113. After being ousted from Jerusalem & Rhodes, Emperor Charles V of Sicily, gave them Malta, Gozo and Comino and the city of Tripoli as a fief of the Kingdom of Sicily 3/24/1530. (The annual rent was one falcon - hence the legend of the Maltese Falcon.)

The Order took possession on 10/26/1530. They surendered Malta to Napoleon's fleet May 10, 1798 and left for Italy.

The Maltese rebelled against the French who left. At that point the knights thought it might be nice to reclaim their fiefdom. The Maltese, however, were now spoiled and preferred freedom to serfdom and wouldn't let them come back.

The Knights were arrogant sons of bitches and professed they had wholly replaced Jews as the subjects of the Bible:

        Come all ye knights, ye knights of Malta,
         In your glittering armour shine,
        Assist your good and worthy Prince
         To protect the ark devine;
                For we are the true-born sons of Levi,
                 Few on earth with us compare;
                We are the root and branch of David,
                 That bright and glorious morning star.

                        "The Knights of Malta," Ord's Bothy Songs and Ballads, 1930.

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