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Thread #85440   Message #1590899
Posted By: Teribus
26-Oct-05 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
GUEST,Tír Chonaill - PM 26 Oct 05 - 02:34 AM

Just to add comment to the contents of your post:

Your first paragraph - pure name calling. By the way I totally agree that people can say what they like. If however they make specific allegations against someone, they should be prepared to substantiate them, and if they cannot, they should at least have the balls to admit it.

Your second paragraph is inaccurate and irrelevant to the subject under discussion and has been the the topic of countless threads on this forum.

Your third paragraph misses the point entirely, it is not my "integrity" that is in question. It is the integrity and credibility of GUEST/GUEST FIOLARIS/ DIVI SWEENEY that is in question - In a personal attack on me (not my arguements) they made reference to something I had (was supposed to have said) stated previously, alleging that I had 'boasted' about mistreating/torturing PIRA suspects during interrogation. I asked them to substantiate this claim by producing the post of mine that they were refering to. They, if indeed these are different people, couldn't. They couldn't produce this post of mine because it does not exist - In short TC they lied, they attempted a smear campaign that has failed completely, they have been caught out lying to themselves and to everyone else on this thread. I am certainly not 'wriggling' as you put it, that I will leave to Guest/Guest Fiolaris/Divi Sweeney - they are doing a good job of it so far, and have been doing so for most of this thread. You never know what their next tactic will be - possibly create more Guest identities to leap to their defence and 'agree' with their point of view.

"In this Brave New World of ours, evidence means very little, laddie.

Get used to it."

Very good TC - that was exactly the underlying message given to the McCartneys by the PIRA - you might be content to live in the BNW of their creation, I fortunately don't have to, and I will continue to call it to book every chance I get TC, because it, like everything else associated with the paramilitary groups of Northern Ireland, stinks.