The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1590921
Posted By: GUEST,Fiolaris
26-Oct-05 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
I also noticed Teribus's
loyalist lapdogs have vanished. When will he ever have the courage to respond to his bigoted viewpoints on this site?? As you can read from the other responses. Teribus
drones, like him, want nothing to do with peace. They still cling to the apartheid of Irish Catholics, that they have enjoyed for far to long. But those days are ending fast. And it scares the hell out of them. Peace is coming lads. whether you like it or not. I want to share this interesting article I found on Evangelical leaders condemning violence against Catholic communities. Time is against the loyalists. Peace will be the law of the land soon enough. Join the future Teribus
and loyalist apologists. Or remain in the miserable hate filled past you've helped create. EVANGELICALS CONDEMN NORTHERN IRELAND VIOLENCE Belfast, Sep. 19 ( - Evangelical leaders in Northern Ireland have joined in condemning violence against Catholic communities there. "We are simply appalled at the continuing violence on the streets, and ashamed that some who share our Evangelical faith will not condemn it," said Stephen Cave, the general secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Northern Ireland. "As an Alliance we condemn this behavior unequivocally." The statement came after a week in which Protestant paramilitary groups threw gasoline bombs in dozens of Catholic neighborhoods, in the worst outbreak of violence in Northern Ireland for several years. Extremist groups have called Protestants in the region to activism, protesting what they see as the British government's concessions to the nationalist supporters the Irish Republican Army (IRA). The IRA has been hailed by British officials for its July announcement that it would renounce violence, and the release of a convicted IRA bomber has been seen by some loyalist groups as a betrayal. Evangelical leader Stephen Cave pointed a finger at one of those loyalist organizations, denouncing the Orange Order for stirring up violent protests. "The Orange Order, which on its website claims to be Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Church-grounded, has surely moved far from these roots when it calls people on to the streets, knowing in all probability that would lead to civil unrest," Cave said. "It is unacceptable that the Order has been slow to speak out or unequivocally condemn the violence that ensued, particularly that perpetrated by its own members." Yes I do know you made those remarks and also the remark about the builders yard in Balham which you tried to get out of.