The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1591621
Posted By: Teribus
27-Oct-05 - 06:55 AM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
To the various GUEST characters that have been created to create the impression of width of support, I call your attention to the following:

Teribus - PM
Date: 20 Oct 05 - 02:34 AM

".......I have and bear no hatered of the Irish, Irish Republicans, Irish Nationalists, Irish Unionists, I even have quite a measure of respect for the Official IRA. My objections are reserved for a self-appointed group of murdering thugs, who, as was clearly seen in the referendum held throughout Ireland in 1998, had absolutely no mandate from the Irish people to act on their behalf. Who opportunistically jumped into an improving situation and succeeded in making it worse in order to further their own interests politically and financially. Who needlessly and indiscriminately killed and wounded thousands and then boast about it. Who terrorised then extorted from the very communities they were supposedly protecting. Believe me I have nothing but complete and utter contempt for ALL the PARAMILITARY GROUPS in Northern Ireland, and that I have often stated."

Now what part of that is unclear to you? Are Catholics mentioned? No. Are Prtotestants mentioned? No. Republicans and Unionists are quite clearly, and in a little english comprehension test for you can you tell in what context they are referred to? I'll even make it easier for you and make it multi-choice:

A. The group for whom I have stated that I have and bear no hatred for.


B. The group for whom I have nothing but complete and utter contempt for.

On rascism from DIVI on the other hand we have -

Divis Sweeney
BS: Are we anti-Irish? (452* d)
RE: BS: Are we anti-Irish?
14 Sep 05


I'm anti-British...Should we again define what British means? Haha!!!


He then follows later in another post about what his rather weak definition of British is - something about being in the service of the crown.

Of course that is not really the case, like the good Fr. Alex Reid in his outburst about Nazi's, Divi just let the mask slip momentarily.

A bare-faced liar and a dissembler - a Provisional.

Oh and DIVI if you want a reality check:
- Go back through the thread the Sutton Stats tell you how many your side killed (around 58%), doesn't show the thousands more that were injured and scarred for life.
- Go back and find out what percentage of the people who live in the North want to remain within the UK (around 60%)
- Go to the web and find out how many people in the whole of Ireland who in 1998 told your organisation of choice that they had absolutely no mandate from them to pursue political aims through violence (around 87%), well done it only took the PIRA 8 years to listen to the people of Ireland, the CIRA, RIRA haven't heard them yet. The Loyalist paramilitaries apear to be about to listen and act - I certainly hope so, it would not be before time - about thirty bloody years.