The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1591647
Posted By: Teribus
27-Oct-05 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Hey Divi,

"Teribus. This is not my post. Check with Joe this was from Epona. And signed in her ususal E. I am sure she will confirm this."

Well I'm sure she/you/Guest/Guest Fiolaris/whoever will, as soon as you get round to it.

On the above quote from your mail - You're not trying to tell me and anyone else reading this thread that you object to somebody attributing statements to you that you did not in fact make!!!!

Now you'd never do that would you. Divi you are a proven bare-faced liar and a dissembler - the typical Provisional spokesperson.