The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62925   Message #1592136
Posted By: rich-joy
27-Oct-05 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: recipes in songs
Subject: RE: recipes in songs
New concept CD of Recipe Songs!!!

Yes, finally released is : "A Taste of Good Music"!!!

10 very singable songs from long-time Aussie folkie, Paul Lawler, accompanied by the fabulous female Folk Harmonists "The Just Desserts"and great recipes too!!!

How it came about …
Paul says :   "Many years ago, my wife cooked a meal which I found so delectable that, being a singer/songwriter, I felt the dish was worth writing and singing about. I decided to create a song format which presented the ingredients and method of cooking such that a person could purchase all of the requirements and then prepare a meal, just by having these catchy – and of times humorous – songs in their head!! So, I began to collect favourite recipes from my friends and set them to music, marrying each recipe with a musical style that best fitted the feeling and flavour of the food."

… and when Paul says "many years ago", he's not kidding – it's been over 20 years since he first wrote "Rayner's Scallops" (c.1983, in Darwin) and then commenced collating and composing his companions' culinary creations!!   But he was so busy with other things in Life, that it's taken until now to finally release his first CD!!! However, it was definitely worth the wait – checkout his (and Mudcatter Richenda's) website at : and their catchy new CD at :
(30 sec grabs of all ten tracks)

Hope you now have as much fun singing and cooking as we have had!

Cheers! R-J
Down Under