The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85795   Message #1592145
Posted By: Peace
27-Oct-05 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Live and let live?
Subject: RE: BS: Live and let live?
Nuclear weapons come in lotsa sizes. Israel itself has nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. I said once before on this forum that my biggest fear regarding the Gulf War--when missiles were hitting Israel--was that some would contain chemical or biological warfare agents. If that had happened, the Middle East would have become a place of death, lots of it, because Israel would have had no choice BUT to use nuclear weapons on the countries that had sworn to destroy it. I suspect that Israel's nuclear arsenal is larger than it was then when best estimates were between ten and twenty. Recent estimates suggest over a hundred. If that ridiculous sonuvabitch got close to using a nuke on Israel, do you actually think that he'd live to tell someone to launch it, drop it or secrete it in Israel? The Mossad would have his balls for bookends. And Iran would be a radiation zone for for a good 10,000 years.

I know many folks here dislike the military of any country, and in some ways I agree. However, only a really stupid person would underestimate the will of the Israelis or their abilities. Their pilots are amongst the best in the world, and their special forces people are certainly on par with the SAS, JTF2, Seals or GSG9. If it gets more heated, Hashemi-Rafsanjani would meet his maker sooner than he'd like.

He is a very dangerous man, and his remark that the complete destruction of Israel would only cost 'damages'--hey, fuck that. He'll be removed if this isn't satisfactorily put to bed, and he'll no longer be the number two man in Iran. I cannot believe that any country would publicly suggest the use of atomic weapons--and in the process alienate the civilized world. Parabellum 101. "There's a hole in his head where his brains used to be, and now he's a fuckin' hero." (With apologies to Pat Sky.)