The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1592844
Posted By: Bobert
28-Oct-05 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Well, I'll say this...

I have sat and listened to Amos talk fir 3 or 5 minutes and I have just read Old Guy's last post and I'd have to give Amos a upperhand, by far, in just communication skills, for being able to put together cognitive thoughts without interspersing a single "shit for brains" interjection...

Might of fact, I think that this level of discourse is below Amos's inner self, outer self and any self in between...

Old Guy,

Just a suggestion here... Try stickin' with the issues more... The meat and potatoes of issues... Not the sound bite translations... Though you may be very informed about stuff, you certainly don't come accross as someone who, ahhhh, no disrespect intended, reads alot...


p.s. Yeah, I'm sure you coulod say that 'bout me 'cause I don't type 'er spell too well but, hey, I do read... a lot....