The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85800   Message #1593200
Posted By: Amos
29-Oct-05 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Miers withdraws
Subject: RE: BS: Miers withdraws
The issue is not when conception becomes "separate individual life".

The issue is whether or not such an opinion -- and it is never more than an opinion whether inspired by religion or some other frame -- should become the basis for law and that at a national level.

Morals are not the business of the Constitution. The business of the Constitution is the protection of the core vision of liberty and human freedom and citizen's rights.

George Bush, for example, would like to make that remarkable vehicle carry the burden of his opinion about gay marriage. Roe versus Wade protects certain citizens from having morality pushed down their throats by the Federal government, and for that reason alone it should be preserved.

The court in which the argument about morals and abortion should be held is NOT a Federal one, but an ordinary human one, through the exercise of free speech.

There's a certain amount of hypocrisy in asserting that all the Administration is interested in is protecting the Constitution (which clearly says that rights not specifically called out herein are reserved tot he people and the States severally) while pushing as hard as possible to make the Federal standard turn those people and States into reflections of D.C. opinions, if you see what I mean. That's not protecting the Constitution worth a shit.