The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85800   Message #1593224
Posted By: Ebbie
29-Oct-05 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Miers withdraws
Subject: RE: BS: Miers withdraws
"oh, and the "thou shalt nots" have been in steady decline over the years. You'd have to be looking pretty hard -- and have a pretty perverse standard to think otherwise. I can't think of one social standard that is less lax than it was even twenty years ago. Nope, not one." John Hardly

Did you misspeak, John? "Thou shalt nots in decline". (Surely a "shalt not" is a strict construct?) "social standard that is LESS lax" Surely "less lax" translates to "stricter"? How do "Shalt Not" in decline" and "less lax" say the same thing?

"A lifetime is not long enough." Bill D   I agree. See you in the next life? *G*

"So we know that when the pro-choice folks are demanding the right to have late term abortions, they are demanding the right to kill what most of us are sure -- and is quite demonstrably -- a baby." John Hardly

You are arguing two different points here, imo, John. Abortion of early term pregnancy and abortion of late term pregnancy are very different- and call for very different approaches. A late term abortion must be a rare thing and for a very specific purpose, surely. An early term abortion when cells are forming and combining are what we are talking about when abortion is discussed.

To argue FOR late term abortion to me is the other end to arguing AGAINST contraception. To me, either view is defensible only for specific, rare needs.