The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1593623
Posted By: Amos
30-Oct-05 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
n his radio address, Bush said Iraq had passed an important milestone with the certification of passage of its new constitution.

"Three years ago, when Saddam Hussein ruled with an iron grip, the prospect of Iraqis voting on a democratic constitution would have been unthinkable," he said.

"Now, the Iraqi people have shown that individual rights and rule by the people are universal principles, and that these principles can become the basis for free and decent governments throughout the Middle East."

Bush said Iraqi voters had refused to surrender to intimidation and had risked their lives for liberty.

"Our security at home is directly linked to a Middle East that grows in freedom and peace. The success of the new Iraqi government is critical to winning the war on terror and protecting the American people. Ensuring that success will require more sacrifice, more time, and more resolve, and it will involve more risk for Iraqis and for American and coalition forces."

"The progress we have made so far has involved great sacrifice. The greatest burden has fallen on our military families. We've lost some of our nation's finest men and women in the war on terror," the president said.

Ya know, for a minute there, he had me going. The speechwriter who composed the first few paragraphs of this quote is the most coherent statement of post-invasion rationalization I have seen.

But then you get to the end and it all falls apart. I remember that Iraq was not involved with those who launched 9-11, and the logic of this glorious facade crumbles into ugly smithereens. It is quite unclear how Iraq became the focus of the wa

Three cheers for brave Iraqis holding out for democratic freedoms, I say.

And a tip of the hat to the brave men and women daily getting cut to ribbons in support of making that happen.

And a flying cow-turd to the numb-nuts who sent them there.