The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1593639
Posted By: Don Firth
30-Oct-05 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Old Guy's remarks that those who oppose the Iraq War (or the so-called "war on terrorism") are to blame for prolonging it is the same tired old wheeze that people of his ilk used during the Vietnam war. The fact is that, in both cases, we had no business being there in the first place. And again, in both cases, when this fact finally sank into the minds of a sufficient number of the American population (many of whom knew this right from the start), they began to assert their democratic right—indeed, their democratic obligation—to begin to question the government that led them astray and call them to account.

In both cases, the aim of the United States government was to establish and maintain geopolitical power in the area. Lest anyone be bit remiss in their history, this is just the same old imperialism, having retired the toga, the crown and scepter, and the jackboots, and kitting itself out in a power suit and red necktie.

Don Firth